The Return of The Wildcats

After three months of sleeping in and enjoying a little extra freedom, a sunny Wednesday morning welcomes the BSHS students back to school.

As students approach the familiar building, nervous anticipation and excitement hang in the air. Bodies cram into the commons and rush to find their group of friends, and the bustle of the crowd increases and the shrill screech of voices resonate off the walls. Despite the clamor and confusion of the first day back, one can sense that students are glad to be back in school and appreciate the familiarity of the campus.

Returning to school can cause students an array of emotions– nerves, excitement, or even dread. So, to hopefully make this transition easier, we at the Purple Post are here to welcome everyone back to a new school year.

As students return to campus, one of the first things they will notice is the continued construction. Over the summer, six new classrooms were added to the campus, in place of the old library. Also, seven spaces were remodeled, and a set of fresh, new restrooms was constructed across from the counseling office.

Iccess Mack, Junior
Iccess Mack, Junior

Though the freshman wing will not be complete until the 2023 school year, many students have opinions on this addition.

Iccess Mack, a junior, says, “I like that they are adding a freshman wing, even though it’s going to be really crowded. I’m excited to see what campus will be like because it will be different with all four grades here.”

Aspen Edwards, Junior

Aspen Edwards, junior, agrees, “I like the changes, but I’m nervous because of the number of students that will be on one campus. I am excited, though, that my sister will be here with me next year.” Many students, like Edwards, will gain an opportunity to share a year on campus with a younger sibling.

Aside from additional classrooms and restrooms, the 2022-2023 school year has much in store for the BSHS student body. To start, upcoming events like football games, homecoming, and spirit weeks will give students much to look forward to. Students have already participated in the first spirit week, Gratitude Week.

Also, homecoming is quickly approaching, with the date set for September 24th.

When discussing the upcoming school year, senior, Talia Araujo, says, “I am most excited for the play, musical, and swing.” The fall play, The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, will leave the audience laughing, as it playfully parodies the classic tale of Robin Hood and his merry men. The play will premiere on October 13th. Though the musical, Freaky Friday, will not be performed until next semester, our student body is eagerly anticipating its opening.

Talia Araujo, Senior

For seniors, this is the year they have long awaited. Senior, Laela Williams, explains, “I’m most excited for senior breakfast, prom, and senior skip days.” Williams is not alone in sharing this excitement for these senior-oriented events.

For sophomores, on the other hand, the 2022 school year marks a significant adjustment, as this will be the first time these students will walk these busy halls.

Melody Moor, sophomore, comments, “What I fear, as a sophomore, is my social anxiety and teachers asking me questions. I fear being embarrassed.” Moor also acknowledges the enormous difference between the Freshman Center and BSHS campus, saying, “I can eat anywhere I want. This campus is much bigger, and there is much more freedom.”

When asked what she likes about being on this campus, Moor answers, “I like being outside on campus because I like nature.”

Melody Moor, Sophomore

Another sophomore, Lauryn Potter, explains that her least favorite part about high school is “How far the classes are from each other.” Many students understand Potter’s sentiments, as they briskly walk from class to class in the five-minute passing period.

Agreeing, Markie Nava, also remarks on the size of BSHS: “An adjustment I had to make as a 10th grader is having to go to my classes instead of talking to my friends.”

When asked further about her goals for this year, Nava says, “I want to earn A’s and B’s” and hope that it “will be easier to maintain my grades this year than last year because I am going to work harder.”

This goal of self-improvement is a common theme for many students.

For example, Hollie Self, sophomore, plans on “…working on glowing myself up, so that I’m more confident in myself for this school year. I’m trying to find myself, as well, and figure out who I am… you know, trying to become a better person for myself and others.”

Cindely Barrios, Junior

Cindely Barrios, a junior, also hopes to improve her self-esteem and values; she states, “I would really like to improve the positivity I put towards myself. Even though I’m good at it towards others…I struggle with doing that myself. So, I think I really need to work on not being so hard on myself and not always feeling down when I don’t get something right.”

As the final bell sounds, announcing the end of the first day back at school, and students pack back into the crowded halls of the ever-growing campus, it is clear that students can’t help but feel optimistic about this school year.

We, here at the Purple Post, cannot wait to keep our student body up-to-date on the latest news around the school and wish all students an amazing school year. Good luck to all students this 2022-2023 school year, and let’s go Wildcats!