Future Diplomats of the United Nations
November 15, 2022
Here at BSHS, there are so many ways to get involved. This year, there are over 35 different clubs or activities, not including the athletics programs, that students can join.
With that many possibilities, there is surely a club available that would interest most students.
One club that many might not know too much about is the Model UN club. And, if you are interested in politics and worldly concerns, then this might be the club for you!
Model US allows students to experience what it is like to be a diplomat working on international issues like climate change and gender equality.
Model UN is a simulation of the actual United Nations (UN) organization.
This organization was founded in 1945 with the goal of maintaining international peace and security.
So, the Model UN works to imitate the actual organization by allowing students to play the role of an ambassador and debate current issues like gender equality and climate change.

According to the club sponsor, AP history teacher Cara Harker, one of the first activities for club members is “selecting their countries” to represent.
Once the country is selected, students “will research their first issue, which is nuclear weapons,” this year.
Mrs. Harker has been the sponsor of this club for many years and explains how it started, saying, “many years ago, students pitched the idea to me, and I loved the idea. They needed a sponsor,” and Harker gladly accepted the opportunity.
One of the main difficulties the Model UN club experiences is finding the time to complete a full session. When our schedule included Wildcat Hour, there was the possibility of using two lunch shifts, but the Time and Support schedule only includes one 30-minute period.
Despite the time restraint, Model UN works to bring worldwide political issues to life for the members.

Sophomore Sophia Gentry recommends becoming a member of the UN “If you are interested in political topics and enjoy a bit of arguing,” because sessions require members to debate issues.
When asked why Gentry chose to be a member of this club, she states, “I want to be a lawyer when I grow up, and I’m already in debate,” which makes her the perfect club member.
Another member, Anabelle Wilson, junior, explains why she enjoys the UN: “I enjoy this club because I can work with others and discuss modern issues involving politics…It’s so easy to talk to people in this club because we’re interwoven, thanks to whichever country we represent.”

Emma McMullen, a senior, says, “I enjoy this club because I get to learn about the world and politics on the world stage.” She also comments on what the purpose of the club is, “it’s to learn about foreign policy.”
So, if you are interested in international concerns and politics, come stop by Room 402 during Time & Support next Friday to enrich your global affairs knowledge, voice your opinions about unifying the world, and maybe make a new friend.