Curriculum Night provides academic, career, testing information
It’s the start of the second semester for BSHS and enrollment time is approaching fast! After seeing the videos displayed during wildcat hour this past month, many may still have questions regarding which course would be most beneficial to them. The answers can be found at curriculum night.
Curriculum night is being held at BSHS January 30 from 6 to 8. Counselor Megan Callanan stressed the importance curriculum night can play in long term planning for students.
“Curriculum night is a chance for all students to come to Blue Springs High School to plan their schedule for the next school year,” Callanan said. “Career programs will be represented, so when students are thinking about how to best structure their schedule for next year and then the subsequent years thereafter you’ve got experts there to help plan your path,” Callanan added.
Department representatives will be present to assist students in their choice of core classes and to help answer any questions they may have about elective options. In addition, many academic related information sessions will be held for both parents and students.
“We will start in the PAC from 6 to 6:30–just a general assembly where the counselors are going to hand out information about planning your schedules, a course description book and information on the different break out sessions that are going to be offered, “ Callanan explained.
Schedules will not be the only thing discussed at curriculum night.
“There is going to be a breakout session on ACT help and then another one on the differences between AP and Dual Credit classes,” Callanan said.
Callanan noted that this event is not just for students. Parents are encouraged to attend as well.
“It’s really helpful for parents to hear all that information too, so make sure parents come because sometimes messages get lost in translations between teachers and students and parents, so it’s best if we are all on the same page,” Callanan stated.
All kids are welcome to attend whether they are going into the ninth grade or it’s their senior year. Curriculum night is an all inclusive night that is designed to fit everyone’s needs. In fact juniors Kelsey Enicks and Alexa Bliss plan on attending and are curious as to what curriculum night has to offer.
“I am very interested in learning what sort of classes are there to fit my career path, especially when it comes to my math class,” Enicks said.
Enicks attended last year and was very pleased with what she saw, while this will be Bliss’s first year attending.
“I’m just curious to see what I’ll learn while I’m there. How much credit am I able to get? What classes should I focus more on? When is the next ACT? That sort of stuff,” Bliss explained.
Enicks and Bliss have both not taken the ACT and are open to hearing tips on how to perform well on the test.
“It’s really nice to know that we have options like this at our school, there is so much stress on what classes to take and how to get yourself in the best position for college and just how to get a decent score on the ACT. I think Curriculum night is just a great thing to go to if you have questions, “ Bliss said.
Last year was a success and the students and staff are ready for another great night.
“I went to Curriculum Night last year and thought it was a big help. I’m going again next week and I’m looking forward to hearing the classes get explained a little bit more, especially AP Calc,” Enicks said.
Curriculum Night will be a huge help to students and their families who attend and are looking for just a little bit of help on what their next step should be moving forward.