February 14th is a day everyone knows as Valentine’s Day, when love is in the air.
In the 14th Century, Valentine became recognized as the Day of Showing Love.
Valentine’s Day, initially a feast day in the Catholic religion, has a fascinating historical background. It traces back to Emperor Claudius II’s execution of two men named Valentine on February 14th during the third Century.
However, the Day’s association with love and romance only emerged in the 14th Century, adding a layer of intrigue to its origins.
Valentine’s Day is a topic that sparks a wide range of opinions. Some, like Clivell Harden, a 9th grader, enjoy spending the Day with their significant other.
However, 10th grader Marisa Smith feels indifferent about the holiday.
Valentine’s Day has not been without its share of controversies. Some argue that it has become too commercialized, shifting the focus from love to material gifts.
Though Harden believes that the best way to spend this holiday is with a significant other, they don’t see the importance of spending too much money, stating, “There’s no need to spend an excessive amount of money on gifts.”
Others feel the pressure to compare and compete with others’ gifts can be overwhelming.
These debates have led to discussions about whether Valentine’s Day should continue to be celebrated as a holiday.
Of the five students interviewed, one-fifth agreed that Valentine’s Day should go unrecognized.
Marisa Smith, 10th grade, believes that “Although sometimes it [Valentine’s Day] makes her feel lonely, she wouldn’t want to ruin it for anyone who wanted to celebrate with their partner.”
Alayah Pace, 10th grade, and Mark Dudley, 12th grade, agree that Valentine’s Day is an excellent way to spend time with your person or family.
Mark Dudley says it’s a “great holiday to express your feelings to someone or show somebody you like them.”
When it comes to gifts, Pace and Dudley love to go out to surprise their special person, and they like gift-giving.
Good luck with love finding, either buy gifts or not have a good Valentine’s Day.
But, for those who spent Valentine’s Day alone or unhappily, there are ways to prevent this in the upcoming years.
First, it is essential to recognize the difficulties of high school relationships.
When most people think about high school relationships, they think of short-term, dramatic situations filled with false promises.
Although many obstacles face high school relationships, some do last.
Here is some relationship advice that could help a relationship last.
1. Communication: “Communication is key.” Everyone hears that, but it’s more than that; communicating with your partner is one of the most important things. It can stop future arguments by simply communicating your needs and views on situations. Leaving your partner wondering what is wrong is one of the most common relationship problems.
2. Honesty: Being honest about hard situations may hurt feelings, but telling the truth is always the best option.
3. Boundaries: Knowing your partner’s and your own boundaries is essential to ensuring everyone feels comfortable and respected.
4. Keep your friends out: Many people make the mistake of gossiping to their friends when arguing with their partner. Private conversations with your partner should stay private.
4. Open your ears and listen: Hearing your partner fully is essential. If you don’t, you could only hear half of the story. This could also lead to judging and animosity toward each other. Listening helps to create healthy communication.
So, pull up this article the next time you need relationship advice.