Josie Ginnings Gives Thanks
What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For Josie Ginnings, a sophomore here at Blue Springs High School, it is a dedicated time to thank the ones you are grateful for.
“I’m excited about Thanksgiving. What excites me the most is reuniting with my relatives that I don’t see regularly…” She continues by saying, “My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is seeing my cousins. Before covid, our Thanksgiving tradition was going over to one of my cousins’ houses, we would eat and catch up.”
“What are you thankful for?” I asked Josie. “I’m thankful for my relationship with God.” Josie’s walk with Christ has developed more and more throughout the years. “God has impacted me so much. When I’m feeling alone, I know that there is always someone in Heaven that loves me and is always by my side looking out for me.”
“My favorite memory through my walk with Christ was when I went to the event ‘BELIEVE’ in 6th grade… After this, I knew I wanted to continue learning more about God and Christianity,” says Ginnings.
Throughout Josie’s journey towards salvation with Christ, she faced the many struggles that come along with being a Christian. To Josie, her main struggle is keeping a Godly image. Ginnings explains, “There are many times where you can talk down about others and start favoring the world over God, and I know I need still need to work on this, but I am trying my best.” Ginnings strives to maintain a healthy relationship with Christ despite the many struggles that come along with it.
Josie Ginnings finalizes her thoughts by saying, “I’m thankful for my relationship with God because without him in my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today; I would be lost in this world.”